ازالة الرؤوس السوداء من الانف

Permanently remove blackheads from the nose Whatever the type of skin and its health condition, caring for it is a must to maintain its vitality and freshness in order to appear healthy and attractive, because the cleanliness of the skin is evidence of the cleanliness of the rest of the body. A wonderful mind, so you must get rid of blackheads whenever they appear, and through the reference site we will discuss how to remove blackheads from the nose.

What are blackheads?

Blackheads are small, dark-colored bumps that are classified as a mild type of acne. These bumps appear in various age stages after puberty, and they appear in many areas such as the forehead, nose, chest, chin, back and shoulders.

These heads are formed as a result of facial cells secreting fats and oils in a large proportion with the accumulation of dead cells, which in turn cause the pores of the skin to close, and these black heads are of two types:

  • open heads: They are blackheads that can be seen with the naked eye on the surface of the skin.
  • closed heads: They are blackheads that form under the skin and can only be noticed by touch, and those heads are difficult to get rid of with natural recipes.[1]

What are the causes of blackheads appearing?

Blackheads are a problem that troubles many women and men, and there are several reasons that lead to their appearance, among which the most common are the following:

  • Genetic factors: As there are several genetic factors that cause the pores of the skin to clog without any external influence, such as excessive fat secretion or the accumulation of dead cells, and getting rid of these heads requires medical intervention.
  • Oily skin: This is because this skin secretes fat in abundance in different seasons of the year, and this makes it more susceptible than others to acne, blackheads and various skin problems.
  • Hormonal imbalance: Excess secretion of hormones is a major cause of acne, blackheads, and many different skin problems.
  • Using unsuitable or oily skin products: As the skin has several types, and each type of medical preparation suits it, and the use of a medical preparation that is not suitable for the type of skin causes the emergence of many problems such as dry skin, acne and blackheads.
    Lack of care and hygiene of the skin: Regular cleaning of the skin to get rid of excess oil contributes to the prevention of blackheads.
  • Take medicines: Such as medicines that cause hormonal changes or irritate the hair follicles of the face, such as medicines that contain lithium, corticosteroids or androgens.
  • Eat dairy and sugars: Studies have shown that sugars cause many skin problems such as dryness and blackheads.

What are blackheads?

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Home steps to get rid of blackheads

Before undergoing any procedure to get rid of blackheads, whether it is a medical or home procedure, you must undergo several important home steps, which are summarized as follows:

  • The first step: Washing the face at least twice a day with the appropriate skin wash, because this step contributes to removing oils, fats and dirt stuck on the skin, which prevents the skin from forming blackheads.
  • The second step: Make a steam bath for the skin weekly, by placing a few leaves of dried mint or a few leaves of oily herbs in a liter of water on the fire until it is completely boiling, and bring that steam close to the skin while covering it so that its emission is directed directly to the skin, and it can also be repeated This process is two to three times a month.
  • The third step: The catalyst for oils and fats in the formation and appearance of blackheads is dead skin, and the exfoliation process removes its layers from the skin, so it is necessary to exfoliate the skin weekly.
  • The fourth step: Use a towel dedicated to the face, and dry the skin slowly and comfortably to get rid of oily residue and dead skin.
  • Fifth step: Moisturizing the skin with appropriate hydration so that it does not get dehydrated, which leads to many other problems.

Home steps to get rid of blackheads

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Permanently remove blackheads from the nose

Blackheads are among the skin problems that worry a lot, and getting rid of them is difficult, but through natural recipes and some medical methods that can be removed, and among the natural recipes and home procedures through which blackheads can be removed from the nose permanently, are the following:

Baking soda peeling mask for black heads

Baking soda is a powerful and effective scrub for removing blackheads from the nose. The steps for making this scrub are as follows:

  • Bring a small cup and put a tablespoon of water in it with a medium spoon of baking soda and mix them well, and then put a small amount of apple cider vinegar until the mixture becomes creamy (equivalent to half a teaspoon of vinegar).
  • The nose is massaged in circular motions with this mixture for a period of no less than five minutes, and the mixture is left until it dries.
  • Remove this mixture from the nose by rinsing it with water, and then moisturizing the skin with natural oils or the appropriate moisturizer.
  • This scrub is used two to three times a week.

Egg white mask for black heads

Although eggs do not have many benefits related to the skin, they are a powerful and effective exfoliator for blackheads and dead skin. This peeling can be used through several steps, including the following:

  • Remove two egg whites and beat well by hand or with an electric mixer until foamy.
  • Put a tablespoon of lemon juice on this smoothie and then mix them together well.
  • Apply the mixture to the nose and allow it to dry completely, then place a clean tissue over the nose and apply another layer of the egg white mixture and allow this layer to dry.
  • Repeat this process again by applying another clean napkin and another layer of egg white.
  • Gently remove the tissue and wash the face with warm water and lotion or soap until the egg smell is completely removed.
  • Repeat this process from two to three times a week, in order to obtain the desired result.

Oatmeal scrub for blackheads

Oatmeal has many benefits related to the skin, such as contributing to the smoothing, luster and hydration of the skin, in addition to its use in natural recipes as a scrub for dead skin and blackheads. The steps for preparing and using this scrub are as follows:

  • Put one tablespoon of rose water and one tablespoon of honey on two tablespoons of oatmeal and mix them well until the mixture becomes like dough.
  • The mixture is placed on the nose for half an hour until it dries completely, and it is carefully peeled from the nose so as not to harm the skin.
  • Washing the face with water and the appropriate “soap” lotion for the skin with the use of a moisturizer.

sugar scrub for blackheads

Sugar is among the natural materials that can be used to make a natural facial scrub, such as the scrub used to get rid of blackheads, and the steps for using that scrub are as follows:

  • Washing the face with warm water and a gentle cleanser suitable for the skin, so that the wash does not irritate the skin, which increases the secretion of fats and oils.
  • Mix one tablespoon of brown sugar with one teaspoon of olive oil in a small bowl, and gently massage the entire skin and nose with this mixture by making circular motions for five minutes.
  • Rinse the face with lukewarm water and lotion, and dry it with a nice and soft towel on the face, and a moisturizing cream free of natural and chemical oils is used.

Toothpaste and salt scrub for blackheads

Doaa Ahmed, a beauty and skin care expert, stated that toothpaste is very effective in removing blackheads from the nose permanently, by using it as an exfoliator in the following way:

  • Put 1 tablespoon of toothpaste with ½ teaspoon of white salt and mix them well.
  • Apply this paste on the nose evenly, massaging it in circular motions for two minutes, and leaving it for ten minutes.
  • The paste is peeled off manually, and then the face is rinsed with lukewarm or cold water to close the pores.
  • Gently dry the face with its own towel and apply the moisturizing cream, and this process can be repeated once a week until the blackheads are completely eliminated.[2]

tea tree oil to remove blackheads

Tea tree oil is among the important natural oils for both the health of the skin and the body, and tea tree oil can be used to get rid of blackheads in the following way:

  • Add a tablespoon of oil to the skin lotion and use it two to three times a day. The oil will rid the skin of dead skin and blackheads, as well as soften the skin.
  • The nose can be massaged with this oil from two to three times a week, as this helps to rid the skin of blackheads and the remnants of accumulated oils and fats.
  • Tea tree oil can also be added to natural peels and used two to three times a week.

Gelatin and milk scrub to remove blackheads

Gelatin is a sticky substance that gently sticks to the skin, ridding it of dead skin residues and accumulated oils and fats, which are a major cause of the appearance of blackheads, and milk is a moisturizing and beneficial substance for the skin, especially sensitive skin.

  • The face is cleaned well and dried with a soft towel, placing three tablespoons of powdered gelatin in a suitable bowl with two tablespoons of hot milk and mixing them together.
  • The mixture is placed on the face after its temperature has decreased for fifteen minutes and left to dry, and it is removed manually.
  • The skin is washed with the appropriate lotion, dried and moisturized with the appropriate moisturizer.

Permanently remove blackheads from the nose

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Medical recipes to remove blackheads

There are also recipes and natural mixtures to get rid of blackheads, there are also several prescriptions to remove blackheads, these recipes are as follows:

  • Benzoyl Peroxide Gel: This medical gel consists of a 2.5% benzoyl peroxide compound that is able to effectively kill the bacteria inside the pores by exposing these bacteria to oxygen, in addition to that it is able to remove the dead skin accumulated on the skin, and the remnants of accumulated oils and fats. By applying a thin layer of the gel once a week.
  • كريم Go-To Exfoliating SwipeysThis cream is a powerful exfoliator for the face and nose, which rids the skin of blackheads, in addition to the moisturizer it contains.
  • كريم Purity Made Simple Pore ExtractorAlthough this cream is a strong exfoliator, it is not suitable for both dry and sensitive skin, and it is used once a week while maintaining moisturizing the face with the appropriate type of moisturizer.

Medical recipes to remove blackheads

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Blackhead removal with medical patches

There are also several medical creams to get rid of blackheads. There are also stickers such as the Sephora SEPHORA COLLECTION Set Of 3 Charcoal Nose Strips, and this sticker can be made manually using carbon discs and gelatin, and these stickers can be used in the following way:

  • Choosing the appropriate stickers for the size of the nose, and before using that adhesive, the nose and face must be cleaned well.
  • Remove the outer layer of this adhesive and place it on the nose, covering all sides and edges of the nose.
  • Leave the patch for 10-15 minutes, then tighten it carefully, wash the face and moisturize it with the appropriate moisturizer.

Blackhead removal with medical patches

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Making a natural face and nose toner to prevent blackheads

A light liquid toner that consists of extracts of natural substances that are beneficial to the skin. This liquid works to close the pores and reduce oily secretions by applying it to the skin after washing it. The best natural skin toner is rose water, and it is made at home in the following way:

  • Bring 300 milliliters of rose water with a fresh cucumber cut into medium-sized pieces.
  • Put the blossom water and cucumber pieces in a clean sprayer and keep it at a temperature below 25°C for a week.
  • Start using this toner by spraying it on various parts of the face immediately after cleaning, and this liquid can be dried with a soft cotton or left to dry, as rose water contains many benefits that moisturize and soften the skin.

How to make rice water face toner

Tips to prevent blackheads

There are several tips related to skin hygiene and care, in order to prevent and prevent the appearance of blackheads, these tips are as follows:

  • Remove make-up before bed and wash the skin with the appropriate lotion after removing it, while moisturizing the skin well with the moisturizer specific to the skin type.
  • Do not overuse the chemical skin wash and replace it with the natural homemade lotion.
  • Change the pillowcase daily, and customize a soft, gentle face towel.
  • Eating a healthy diet rich in nutrients important for skin health, such as vitamin C and vitamin E, with a lot of fruits and vegetables.
  • Choose a light skin lotion so as not to accumulate oils and fats that cause the formation and appearance of blackheads.

Ultimately through an article Permanently remove blackheads from the nose We have come up with how to get rid of blackheads through medical and natural recipes, with how to make a natural toner for the nose and face, with the most important tips to prevent the appearance of blackheads.

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